At the upcoming Consumer Electronics Show, car manufacturers will showcase their newest sustainable platforms. The concept by Richard Huang, known as the Mercedes-Benz Vision iMobility, stands out due to its compact urban design and autonomous capabilities.
This self-driving micro car caters to the needs of individuals in East Asia, offering a personalized and invigorating travel experience.
The vehicle features a sleek, almost egg-shaped body with aerodynamic curves, ornamental LED components, and a spacious, adaptable cabin that promotes health and relaxation. Owners can unwind in a motorized recliner while the electric vehicle (EV) autonomously steers to its destination, as it lacks a manual steering system.
Huang aspires for the Vision iMobility to revamp the daily commute into a soothing and invigorating journey, creating a sanctuary for relaxation and well-being. For more details, visit MensGear to stay updated on the latest automotive innovations.
Image Source: North Monaco / Shutterstock